Bathurst Branch Annual & General Meetings

NSW Farmers' Bathurst Branch invites members and non-members to its Annual and General Meetings to be held at Bathurst RSL Club "Heritage Room" on 5 June at 5:30pm for 6:00pm start.
NSWF Bathurst Branch want your input for the Branch Annual Strategic Plan (ASP). Submit your top 5 issues for consideration in the 2024/2025 ASP. Your input will guide the Branch executive in addressing member needs, future guests, planning future actions and events. The ASP is reviewed at the Branch General Meeting following the Branch Annual Meeting. Use the register button to submit your input.
Annual Meeting Agenda
Submission of Annual Report [Chair]
Presentation of Balance Sheet [Treasurer]
Election of Office Bearers
Motion for Capitation Fees
Nominate Annual Conference Delegates
Exciting Opportunity to Fill Roles at the Branch for the current Year!

David McKay, the current Branch Chair, and Nino Di Falco, the Branch Secretary, have chosen to resign from their roles after serving for a significant period. They will not be running for re-election in 2024.
We urge all our amazing members to actively participate & dive into branch meetings. Ponder taking over taking the reins and be the voice of change in your branch. This is a chance to influence important local matters, especially those that directly affect you and other members. Your participation, involvement and support are essential in strengthening our collective voice!

Following the Annual Meeting a General Meeting will be opened.
General Meeting Agenda:

Minutes of previous general meeting
General Business
Annual Strategic Plan
Submission of motions for Annual Conference is now closed.
Please note: TEN [10] voting members are required to form a quorum. The Branch is eligible to send FOUR [4] delegates to Annual Conference. 
Members are encouraged to bring a young farmer or non-member as a guest and introduce them to the benefits of NSW Farmers' membership.
If you are unable to join the meeting in person, you can do so via Zoom.
Bathurst Branch Zoom Link -
Dial +61280156011,,2089547295# 
Meeting ID: 208 954 7295

For further information please contact:

David McKay - Chair
0414 555 470 | [email protected]

Nino Di Falco - Hon Secretary
0417 042 216 | [email protected]

Tanya Hayes - Regional Services Manager
0407 533 218 | [email protected]

5/06/2024 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Bathurst RSL Club Heritage Room BATHURST

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