Croppa Creek/North Star Branch Inland Rail Meeting

Croppa Creek/North Star Branch Inland Rail Meeting
NSW Farmers' Croppa Creek/North Star  Branch invites all interested members and the community to hear an update on the proposed alignment of Inland Rail across the Whalan Creek and Macintyre River. The implications in the valley for landholders, communities and industry will be discussed.

The currently proposed alignment poses a risk of flooding to properties and communities. It also poses a risk of diverting floods away from the natural flood path which could significantly reduce natural flows and  beneficial flooding to irrigated and dry land farming enterprises as well as grazing properties downstream of the proposed alignment.

This meeting will provide the latest information on the proposed alignment from affected landowners and community representatives on the North Star to Border Community Consultation Committee and provides the opportunity for NSW Farmers' members and other effected landholders to have a say on what is proposed. 

Click here to RSVP.

For further information please contact: 

Michael Collins - Regional Services Manager - Northern
0439 958 163 | [email protected]
1/05/2019 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Boggabilla Town & Country Club BOGGABILLA

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