Identifying new opportunities for dairy industry

Dairy farmers will be given an inside look at how NSW Farmers plans to strengthen and support the industry through an online forum this week.

The NSW Farmers virtual Dairy Industry Forum on Friday, February 4 will outline the changes the organisation is implementing from April this year to deliver greater value to the state's dairy farmers, as well as an update from Australian Dairy Farmers.

“NSW Farmers has heard the needs of the state's dairy farmers, and we are reforming our approach to deliver specialised policy advice, advocacy, and projects on topics that matter to them,” NSW Farmers Dairy Committee Chair Colin Thompson said.

“Our clear focus moving forward is to improve the sustainability and profitability of our industry, provide opportunities for growth and development, and work together to advocate for and achieve better outcomes for dairy in NSW.”

Mr Thompson said the NSW Farmers Dairy Committee had secured the support of the NSW Farmers board in employing a full time, dedicated Dairy Manager, with the goal of unifying dairy advocacy to ensure a strong voice in state and national policy decisions. 

“This is a great opportunity to build upon past successes and help secure a sustainable dairy sector into the future,” Mr Thompson said.

“The NSW Farmers Dairy Committee has fought hard to address supply chain and competition problems in the industry, such as the implementation of the mandatory Dairy Code of Conduct and the creation of an ACCC inquiry into perishable agricultural goods.

“Our new Dairy Manager will be able to take concerns from farmers directly to the decision makers, marrying up the needs of farmers with the advocacy capability of NSW Farmers.”

To RSVP use the form here: or to find out more contact Jesse Doolan, Policy Advisor, Intensive Livestock [email protected].

Date: Monday, January 31, 2022
Media Contact: Steve Mudd  | 0429 011 690 | [email protected]