Water storage a focus for southern electorates

NSW Farmers says better water storage is needed to help grow agriculture in our regions. 

The issue of coastal harvestable rights and water storage was raised during an online ‘meet the candidates’ forum for the Bega electorate on Tuesday night, and potential MPs in the Monaro electorate will face a similar question on Thursday night about the current government’s commitment to expanding coastal harvestable rights to 30 per cent.

NSW Farmers Dairy Committee Chair Colin Thompson said coastal farmers would benefit from higher water storage under the new coastal harvestable rights, which increase storage for some farmers to 30 per cent from the 10 per cent rule applied elsewhere in the state. 

“It has taken 30 years to address the arbitrary and unfounded nature of the 10 per cent rule, which was applied to restrict coastal rainfall retention,” Mr Thompson said.

“The 10 per cent rule was applied across the board without considering the social, economic and environmental outcomes the restrictions would deliver.

“This change is seen as really positive for dairy in those high-rainfall coastal areas, but I think there’s more potential if we really tackle water use and storage.”

Work to improve water use and storage is seen by many farmers as critical to shoring up resilience ahead of the next drought. Mr Thompson said that for regions like the Bega electorate, an increase in harvestable rights should be balanced with environmental outcomes.

“An increase to the limit from 30 to 40 per cent would deliver social and economic benefits to coastal fall areas, namely through drought-proofing these regions,” Mr Thompson said. 

“The NSW Government made a commitment late last year to expanding coastal harvestable rights to 30 per cent.

“With a flurry of portfolio changes, resignations and a general state election in a little over a year, we must ensure the commitment to changing coastal harvestable rights is not neglected.”

The Monaro by-election webinar will be held at 6pm Thursday, February 10. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AUruie0cSTOquLH9nTiiPA.

Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Media Contact: Steve Mudd  | 0429 011 690 | [email protected]